Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Settle Down PLEASE!!

OK, I love Hannity and Rush as much as any conservative out there, BUT enough of the gloom and doom already! If I were to hang on their every word, there would be NO reason to get outta bed in the morning, cause Obama is going to ruin my life and I can't do a thing about it. At least, not until the next election.

Hey guys ... instead of the gloom and doom, why not organize us in another tea party type protest that at least lets us feel like we are doing something. Maybe even point out that we have lived through the Carter, Clinton, Nixon and other administrations and the good ole USA is still around.

While I don't like what is happening, I do not believe that the USA as we know it is over!

Just me ranting :)


1 comment:

  1. People are down, for example, beacause they think there is no hope to repeal Obamacare until 2013 at the earliest. But we can do more right now.

    The states created the federal government when they adopted the US Constitution. The Founding Fathers knew a centralized federal government might overreach, so they wrote into the US Constitution the ability to amend it without consent from the federal government (see Article V). Since, the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, the states could repeal Obamacare through a Constitutional amendment (in non-legalese: AMENDMENT 28 – Obamacare is repealed). If we make this an issue in state level elections in November and turn enough states pro-repeal, we could repeal Obamacare by next summer! More details at Spread the word. It would be a beautiful moment for the Tea Party movement to see Obamacare repealed in the ultimate expression of Federalism – a state-led and enacted repeal of Obamacare – A Constitutional SMACKDOWN!
